Dental Bonding Vs. Veneers: Which Is Right for You?
Dental bonding and veneers significantly help if you want to beautify your smile. The materials that help correct dental defects can change the shape of misshapen, chipped, or minor misalignment issues and lengthen the shape of a tooth shorter than the rest.
Although dental bonding and veneers will correct aesthetic issues with your teeth, there are many differences in how they are used for aesthetic purposes. The veneers are bonding procedures that have different applications and benefits in giving you a smile makeover. If you think about what your perfect smile should look like, it helps to discuss it with the Bryn Mawr dentist because the professional has the experience and skills necessary to give you a healthy smile. Therefore if you have the dental defects described, kindly arrange an appointment with the professional to improve your smile in one or two visits to their office.
How Is Dental Bonding Performed?
The composite resin material used in dental bonding is delicate to dental veneers. The tooth-colored material is best suited for defects on your teeth in the anterior region of your mouth. Whether you have a chipped or misshapen tooth, the dentist completes the procedure in one visit using a conservative technique to improve your smile.
When you visit the dentist requesting dental bonding, expect the professional to assess your dental defects and examine your mouth for signs of infections like tooth decay or gum disease. The dentist also cleans your teeth to ensure dental plaque and tartar do not remain trapped under the bonding material. Next, your teeth are roughed with an etching solution to help adhere to the bonding material. A few seconds later, the dentist applies the tooth-colored resin over the tooth needing the correction. Next, they shape and mold the tooth before hardening the resin with ultraviolet light. If required, the dentist can further reshape the tooth even after setting the material.
The Dental Veneer Process
If your teeth are affected by the defects mentioned above, and you desire to hide the dental flaws, you can also consider dental veneers, slimy shells of porcelain fabricated in dental laboratories to cover the front surface of your tooth.
Porcelain dental veneers require planning from the dentist in Bryn Mawr and tooth structure removal before application of the surfaces on your teeth. The enamel removal process is uncomfortable, but you receive help from the dentist, giving you local anesthesia to manage the pain. After reshaping your defective teeth, the dentist impressions them for the dental laboratory to fabricate your veneers while giving you a temporary acrylic shell to protect your teeth.
Dental labs require three weeks to create your veneers and send them to the dentist when you can revisit them to have the shells cemented to your teeth. However, dental veneers suit your situation better if you want to hide your dental defects for an extended period.
Why Is Dental Bonding Good for You?
As mentioned earlier, the dental bonding procedure is conservative and affordable, making it an excellent treatment if you don’t want to get into considerable investments in a smile makeover. You can have your dental defects hidden by dental bonding in Bryn Mawr without requiring local anesthesia or temporary shells over your teeth because the dentist selects the composite resin material matching the color of your teeth in the dental office before etching your teeth for application of the resin. Whatever your dental defects, the dentist can complete the bonding procedure in 30 to 60 minutes per tooth in a painless process that will merely because some jaw discomfort by sitting with your mouth open in the dentist’s chair.
On the other hand, dental veneers need more time because the dentist 19010 must reshape your tooth by removing tooth enamel past the dentin, providing temporary veneers, and asking you to return three weeks later to bond the permanent shells on your teeth. Therefore if you have minor dental defects and do not want to endure multiple dental visits and the challenges accompanying dental veneers, you will find the bonding treatment suitable for your needs.
How Long Will Dental Bonding Stay on Your Teeth?
Although the bonding material is not as durable as veneers, the composite resin can stay on your teeth for approximately a decade with proper oral hygiene. You must ensure you refrain from using your bonded teeth to bite ice, fingernails, hard candy, et cetera because the composite resin is not as durable as your teeth’ enamel and can chip or crack to need replacements faster than expected. However, if you maintain excellent dental hygiene and care for the bonded teeth, you can benefit from a conservative and affordable procedure to display a beautiful smile for about a decade.
When you consider aesthetic dentistry treatments, it helps if you discuss your needs and budget with the dentist to ensure they recommend a therapy that best suits your needs. The dentist will discuss the pros and cons of bonding and veneers before giving you the treatment you think is best for your teeth.
The Dental Spa — Main Line provides dental bonding and veneers to enhance the appearance of your teeth to beautify your smile. If your front teeth are flawed and impact your smile, consider a visit to the facility to discuss which treatment best suits your needs and receive it in one of two appointments from them to display a beautiful smile.