Periodontal/Gum Disease Treatment in Philadelphia, PA and Bryn Mawr, PA
Dr. Kay, Dr. Berson, Dr. Yaffe, and Dr. Deakins know that each patient’s ability to resist disease is as unique as their smile. Should you have periodontal gum disease, our on-staff periodontist will work to create a treatment plan for healthier gums. Not only will periodontal gum disease treatment help prevent tooth loss, but it will also protect your investment in your smile restorations: crowns, veneers, implants, bridges, and whitening procedures.
Many people have gum disease without symptoms. Regular periodontal exams and dental cleanings are critical in maintaining healthy gums. During your exam, Dr. Kay, Dr. Yaffe, Dr. Berson, or Dr. Deakins will inspect the color and firmness of your gums, see if there’s any gum infection or inflamed gums. Your teeth will be evaluated and tested for any looseness. Your bite will also be examined and checked. Then a small dental measuring instrument will be gently inserted between the tooth and your gum to measure the depth of your pockets. The normal depth for pockets is 1–3 millimeters. X-rays may be taken at times to evaluate any changes in your bone supporting your teeth.
Our on-site periodontist can work conveniently and efficiently with our dentists to quickly restore your dental health. We serve the patients of Rittenhouse Square, Washington Square, Fitler Square, South Philadelphia, Fishtown, Kensington, West Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr PA, Wayne, Radnor, Villanova, Haverford, Wynnewood, Narberth and Bala Cynwyd!