Veneers v/s Lumineers: Everything You Need To know

Veneers v/s Lumineers: Everything You Need To know

Jun 21, 2023

Lumineers and veneers are similar in most ways. Both address similar primary concerns by covering the front chewing surfaces. For example, Lumineers and veneers can fix numerous cosmetic dental flaws like spaces in the smile, slightly crooked teeth, stained teeth, etc. A dental veneer is a dental prosthetic attached to the original tooth. The dentist uses this thin shell for cosmetic purposes usually on the front.

However, Lumineers are a brand of porcelain veneers that allow dentists to place them without trimming the tooth enamel. It means they have a high cost in the long term and also break more easily. However, they have certain differences. Although both Lumineers and veneers come under cosmetic dentistry, they fail to qualify for dental insurance. Dental veneers are costlier than Lumineers because they are manufactured using strong material. It makes them thicker, more dense, and more durable.

Difference Between Lumineers and Veneers

Below are the essential differences between the treatments:

  • Lumineers are thinner than porcelain veneers. For example, lumineers are about 0.5mm as thick as porcelain veneers.
  • For porcelain veneers, the dentist needs to eliminate some portion of the original tooth. Therefore, once done, you will need a cover for that tooth. So, you either require a composite filling or a veneer. However, Lumineers are reversible. It’s because the dentist does need not to remove any tooth material.
  • Lumineers offer a natural appearance and feel. It uses a special thin ceramic, that is more translucent than porcelain used in dental veneers.
  • Lumineers are durable and stronger than veneers. The lifespan is around 20 years. However, patients need to replace traditional veneers with one decayed or so.
  • Porcelain veneers are more affordable than Lumineers.

If you are concerned about tooth shaving or have a tight budget, getting Lumineers in Bryn Mawr, PA is a good choice.

Veneers Pros and Cons

Below are the pros and cons of veneers:


Highly Stained Resistant

Dental veneers prevent the buildup of stains.


Tooth veneers can remain for up to 15 years before requiring replacement.

High Success Rate

When it comes to a porcelain veneer, it has a high patient satisfaction and success rate.



Traditional veneer treatments have a timeline of around 4 to 6 weeks. So, you can expect multiple appointments at the dental office.

More Invasive

Dental Veneers Treatment is more invasive than veneers.


We can say a veneer is an expensive treatment choice.

Lumineers Pros and Cons

Below are the pros and cons of Lumineers:


Fast Outcome

Most people prefer Lumineers because they provide fast results. They are also easily replaced or taken off when required.

Less Invasive Choice

Another advantage of Lumineers is that the treatment is painless and does not require anesthesia. It means the dentist does not need to prepare, shape, or trim the tooth to install Lumineers.


Lumineers are usually less expensive, depending on the unique case.


Short Life Span

Lumineers are usually more prone to damage when compared to traditional veneers, they have a lifespan of 5 to 20 years. Patients need to take special care when cleaning them. The exact longevity of Lumineers depends on the type of material used.

They May be Ineffective Sometimes

Since no-prep dental veneers are more translucent and thinner than composite or porcelain veneers, they have limited efficacy (in certain cases). For example, Lumineers fail to address tooth discoloration, staining, or severely damaged teeth.

Veneers v/s Lumineers Process

For Lumineers, the dental professional puts the restoration directly over the existing teeth without any preparation. However, the dentist needs to shave off 0.2mm – 0.5mm of enamel on the front area of teeth to fit veneers. It means the veneer treatment is much more complex and time-consuming.

Veneers v/s Lumineers Cost

On average, traditional veneers range from $925 – $2500 per porcelain veneer. However, the price is $800 – $1500 per composite veneer. But the price for no-prep veneers ranges from $800-$2000 per tooth.

Both treatments are perfect for those that want to treat their cosmetic imperfections at once rather than choosing multiple treatments to fix a specific issue. If you desire to restore your lost smile, the dentist in Bryn Mawr at The Dental Spa – Mainline will help you determine which treatment is best for you.

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